Sunday, December 20, 2015

Things about Star Wars I haven't seen elsewhere, or just want to say anyways.....

Since only two people read this blog, I'm not worried about big spoilers, but if you two haven't seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens, go away now.

Han may or may not be dead.  If he is dead, I think he turned on the light saber himself to preserve his kid's chance at redemption.

Rey learned more from Kylo Ren than he did from her.  Her use of the force after their encounter was not "natual talent" alone, but her applying what she had seen in his mind.

Finn is someone's kid.  I'm betting on Mace Windu since that is the only black Jedi I know of.  I hope so anyway.  Be nice to have some non-white legacies as well.  Also, I love John Boyega.  Star Wars NEEDS him.  I don't care if Finn and Rey are a romantic couple.  Finn and Rey are each other's PERSON.  (Like Kathleen Kennedy and Steven Spielberg?  Go Google it.)

Greg Gunberg and Ken Leung were focus pullers for me.  They did fine, but all of a sudden they were there, they were people I knew I knew, I was distracted.

Carrie Fisher is the bomb.  The writers should lean into that and make Leia more like Carrie.  It will play better and be unusual.

Glad to see the panoply of rebel pilots.  Male, female, human and alien.

Kylo Ren's lack of self discipline was interesting and significant.  Not sure what I think of Adam Driver.  He may have "it",  The next ten years will tell.  His face is so unusual.

Captain Phasma/Gwendolyn Christie - this better be a long game.

Poe Dameron was fine, but struck me as not quite in the same movie as the rest of them.  Wait and see on this one.

Who the hell was the Irish (Scottish?) gangster who came on board with Han and Chewie before the Kanjuklub showed up?

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