Sunday, March 24, 2013

Random Gun Control Quotes

 “Their paranoid fear of a possible dystopic future prevents us from addressing our actual dystopic present. We can’t even begin to address 30,000 gun deaths that are actually, in reality, happening in this country every year — because a few of us must remain vigilant against the rise of Imaginary Hitler.”
Jon Stewart "The Daily Show"

Comedian Chris Rock, when asked about gun violence said:
 “I believe you should have to have a mortgage to buy a gun. Nobody with a mortgage has ever gone on a killing spree. Because a mortgage is a real background check; and you know if you go to jail for 30 years you still have to pay your f–king mortgage.” 

My comment on Rock:  If we are trying to do what the founders wished, this is certainly in line with their sentiments that property owners were the true citizens.  But I wish to caution against using the founders as our absolute measuring stick.  It was a very different time and place, one to which I as an educated, voting woman, have no wish to return.

My comment on the second amendment:  I truly believe that [it] was intended as a civic and collective responsibility: to allow New Jersey to protect itself against New York, for Maine to fight off Canada, and For New England to withstand the Federal Gov’t if FDR had stood for a fifth term.  The regulation of the individual right to bear arms outside of the well ordered militia, should be reserved to the state.  However, in order for the state to be able to assert its sovereign rights, the federal government needs to regulate the interstate commerce of guns, its job.  If Virginia allows anyone to buy 100 automatic handguns, how can Rhode Island require each gun owner to be properly licensed?  

Gun Control

I drove home to Northern New England from the Mid-Atlantic in December of 2012.  I got hung up in traffic on Route 84 during the day on a Saturday.  I called my sister, not sure why, wondering if there was some holiday or natural disaster I was unaware of.  Then I saw cops on motorcycles.  I knew before I saw the hearse and before I saw the sign to Sandy Hook/Newtown.  
      To my own surprise I burst into convulsive sobs.  I'm not much of a crier.  I later looked online and figured out that I was watching the funeral procession of Josephine Gay. Above my desk I now have a sweet picture of her on a swing with a slightly older someone who might be a sibling.  Its going to stay there for awhile.  It inspired me to write this list, with the intention of sending it to my congresspeople and governor.  Haven't done it yet, but here you go.
  1. I support requiring all guns to be sold by dealers licensed in the state of sale.  I support a limit on the number of guns an individual may buy in a given time period.

  1. I support all sellers and buyers to be required to register change of title, just like I did when I sold my car.

  1. I support a written and practical test, financed with licensing fees, for gun licenses, and for licenses to be required prior to purchase.  Background checks could be done with the licensing, eliminating the need for waiting periods to purchase guns. 

  1. I support requiring gun owners to have liability insurance.  This will give rise to gun safety classes to lower the liability.

  1. I support periodic renewals and inspections. 

  1. I support banning sale and ownership of high capacity magazines with exceptions for training facilities and law enforcement.

  1. I support the appointment of a director to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

  1. I support state or federal databases of firearms.  Choice to the state, make your own or delegate.

  1. I DO NOT support armed guards in schools.  I have lived in a country experiencing the end of the rule of law.  That is not my country, and it must not become so.

How Wrong Can You Be?

Without ever realizing it, I had lumped my three favorite NPR hosts into the category of gay New York Jews.  This is a prejudice, but it is a category of people I am generally fond of, so it is a relatively benign prejudice.  After finding out that Ira Glass was married, I checked on the other two.  Married to women with children.  While that is not necessarily make them not gay, it doesn't seem very likely.  So, none of them are gay.  Whoops.

So now I have to wonder, where are they from?  Ira is from Baltimore, and Michael Feldman, with his wife and two daughters, born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin.  Which leaves me with Peter Sagal, resident of Chicago and married father of three.  He was born in New Jersey.  30 miles from New York.  At this point, I'll take it. 

Thankfully (?)  they are in fact, all Jewish.  I am reminded of that awful woman on the West Wing who equated New York with being Jewish.  Pissing off Toby and/or Josh (Jewish character played by an Episcopalian.)  I don't like thinking of myself as being in the same category.  I will think on this.

This week in the Supreme Court

I expect the Supreme Court to pronounce that states may explicitly allow or fail to explicitly allow same sex marriage, but they may not ban it, and they must recognize it when performed in another polity.  So, Arkansas doesn't have to allow gays to marry, but they cannot forbid them and must recognize it when they get married in Kansas.  (States selected at random.)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Three Perfect Movies

  1. Moonstruck 
  2. Princess Bride
  3. Nobody's Fool
The first two are well known.  The third is Paul Newman and Jessica Tandy.  And a nice little surprise.