Saturday, May 20, 2017

Pro-choice and Pro-life

I describe myself as both pro-choice and pro-life. 

Sometimes I have described myself as anti-legislation, but that doesn‘t encompass the fullness of my position.  I am also anti-demonstrations out side of clinics, anti-shaming of women for the choices they make, anti-ignorance, anti-abstinence only education, and anti-forced birth.  I'm also very pro contraception.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Edward Snowden

This is not intended to be in anyway comprehensive, just quick thoughts:

  1. As an American I would like to get Snowden out of Russia.  Both for his sake and ours.
  2. I think he needs to do some jail time.  Not hardcore, but some.  
  3. For absolutely no logical reason I've decide 3 years, low security is about right.
  4. I wish he and Obama had worked out a deal before the election.  I'd rather have him back.